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Special Event

Đại Đạo Tam Kỳ Phổ Đọ (Cao Đài) is one of the six officially recognized religions in today’s Vietnam. Since its inception in 1926, Cao Đài has...

12.01.2012 15:00

Isomorphism of Computable Structures and Vaught's Conjecture

H. Becker (U Münster, DE)


Academic Analysis

Kim Jong Il’s death was announced less than three weeks ago. But the world is surprisingly quickly getting used to the new leadership in North Korea,...


Innovation Cheque: € 5,000

We are proud to announce that the Chair of East Asian Economy and Society in cooperation with Steinkellner China Services received an Innovation...


Academic Analysis

Austria is a great country for many reasons, but with just 8.4 million citizens and locked in the center of the European continent, it is hardly a...


Multiperiod stochastic optimization problems with time-consistent risk constraints and an application to power generation scheduling