[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Gegen Ende des diesjährigen Sommersemesters fand die feierliche Eröffnung des neuen Computer-Klassenraums des Instituts, der dem großen...

27.06.2011 17:00

Universal human rights face ‘sati’: Ethics, feminism and intercultural translation between the universal and the particular

Sourav Kargupta


Summer School 2011 "Basic Aerosol Science"

24.06.2011 15:15

Krisenstimmung in Europa vs. Wachstumseuphorie in Indien: Perspektiven des Mediums Zeitung

Nadja-Christina Schneider | Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Philip Walther was awarded with the START Prize of the Austrian Science Fund.


Commentary by Prof. Frank: "Food aid diversion: Why it does NOT matter"

"One of the things I have, for years, been having difficulties to understand is the discussion of (staple) food diversion.