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26. April: Gastvortrag Paul Hawkshaw

Anton Bruckner

26.04.2018 17:00

On how to be flexible (or not): The modulation of the flexibility-stability dilemma

April 26, 2018 | 5 pm

26.04.2018 16:30

The Value of Informational Arbitrage

Claudio Fontana (Paris Diderot University (Paris VII), FR)


Wiener Zeitung: Kim wants a Korean Unification

Why is North Korea suddenly interested in talks? Prof. Rüdiger Frank talks with Klaus Hubold from 'Wiener Zeitung'.

26.04.2018 16:00

Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 16:00

Venue: Ludwig-Boltzmann-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, EG

26.04.2018 16:00

The bi-embeddability relation for countable abelian groups

Filippo Calderoni (Univ. di Torino, Italy and Politecnico di Torino)