[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

17.10.2017 17:00

Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for q-difference equations and Fukaya categories” and Twistor families of Fukaya categories and periodic monopoles

Yan Soibelman (Kansas State University)

17.10.2017 16:45

Urban Transitions - Städtische Transformationen

Ringvorlesung WS 2017/18

17.10.2017 16:30

On the (a,b,c,d) Boussinesq systems

Hung Luong (Univ. Wien)


First detection of a gravitational wave from the merger of neutron stars

LIGO and Virgo make first detection of gravitational waves produced by colliding neutron stars

Discovery marks first cosmic event observed in both...


In einem Kommentar auf "derStandard.at" schreibt Politikwissenschafterin Sylvia Kritzinger u.a. über den Trend zu Bewegungen und die Abkehr von...

17.10.2017 16:00

Sharp estimates in defective evolution equations: from ODEs to kinetic BGK equations

Tobias Wöhrer (TU Wien)