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Formation of Advisory Group on North Korea at World Economic Forum

At the World Economic Forum’s Summit on the Global Agenda in November 2012, it was decided to form an Advisory Group on North Korea.


On 27 November 2012, Sir John Thomas, Chair of the ELI Working Party on the Common European Sales Law (CESL), presented the ELI's Statement on the...


Text and Context: How to Study the Dead Sea Scrolls

Vortrag Lawrence H. Schiffman (Yeshiva University, New York)

Dienstag, 27.11.2012 um 14:30

Ort: Hörsaal 1 des Instituts für Judaistik


Brother's Keepers: American Jewish Rescuers and The Story of the Mayer Lehman Charity Fund

Vortrag Karen Franklin and Melissa Martens (New York)

Montag, 19.11.2012, 16.30

Ort: Hörsaal 1 des Instituts für Judaistik


Plug-in approach to adaptive support estimation