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Members of the Research Platform "Translational Cancer Therapy Research" met with Sidney Altman on the occasion of the 7th Vienna Seminar of Nobel...


Cameron Salter is starting as a new PostDoc. Welcome Cameron!


ELI meets the Secretary General of UNIDROIT

On 30 October 2012, ELI Executive Committee Member Christiane Wendehorst met José Estrella-Faria, the Secretary General of the International Institute...


10th EastAsiaNet Research Workshop in Barcelona

The 10th EastAsiaNet Research Workshop, this time with a focus on governance in East Asia, took place in Barcelona, Spain, 25-26 October 2012.


Extremes of 'typical' functions on a sphere, random matrices and complexity of spin glasses

27.10.2012 17:30

October 2012: Open lecture by Xaq FROHLICH

An Informational Turn in Food Politics: Regulating Diet and Health on Food Labels