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Preise, Förderungen und Stipendien für (Jung-)WissenschafterInnen.


Prof. Christiane Spiel in der Jury des Wettbewerbs der Wiener Zeitung.


Open call: Modeling Travels in History: an ORBIS-esque Hackathon @ Uni Vienna (July 18-20, 2018)

We are inviting interested digital humanists with an inclination for coding to partake in this 3-day event in Vienna. We are able to offer small...


DigiTwins received an invitation from the European Commission to enter the next stage of the competition to become an EU Flagship for Future and...


Emissionen bleiben nicht dort, wo sie ausgestoßen werden. Wie Ruß und Mineralstaub unser Klima beeinflussen, erklärt Aerosolphysikerin Bernadett...


Urban Military Matters in the Late Middle Ages: Warfare, Trade and its Organization

Veranstaltungsort: Hörsaal 27, University of Vienna, Main Building, Hof V, 2nd floor

Wann: Monday 11 June, 1pm - 6pm, Tuesday 12 June, 9am - 1pm