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Impacts of oil palm agriculture on phyllostomid bat assemblages.

Freudmann A., Mollik P., Tschapka M. & Ch. Schulze 2015. Impacts of oil palm agriculture on phyllostomid bat assemblages. Biodiversity and...


Low reproductive skew despite high male-biased operational sex ratio in a glass frog with paternal care

Mangold A., Trenkwalder K., Ringler M., Hödl W. & E. Ringler. 2015. Low reproductive skew despite high male-biased operational sex ratio in a...


The ecological role of extremely long- proboscid Neotropical butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) in plant-pollinator networks.

Bauder J.A.S., Warren A.D. & H.W. Krenn. 2015. The ecological role of extremely long- proboscid Neotropical butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) in...


Functional constraints on the evolution of long butterfly proboscides: lessons from Neotropical skippers (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae).

Bauder J.A.S., Morawetz L., Warren A.D. & H.W. Krenn. 2015. Functional constraints on the evolution of long butterfly proboscides: lessons from...


Loganin and secologanin derived tryptamine-iridoid alkaloids from Palicourea crocea and Palicourea padifolia (Rubiaceae).

Berger A., Kostyan M.K., Klose S.I., Gastegger M., Lorbeer E., Brecker L. & J. Schinnerl. 2015. Loganin and secologanin derived tryptamine-iridoid...


Predation on artificial caterpillars is higher in countryside than near-natural forest habitat in lowland south-western Costa Rica.

Seifert C.L., Lehner L., Adams M.-O. & K. Fiedler. 2015. Predation on artificial caterpillars is higher in countryside than near-natural forest...