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29.06.2017 08:41

The Vienna Irish Studies & Cultural Theory Summer School 2017

"The Irish Carnivalesque" (10-14 July 2017)


29. Juni 2017, 10:30 Uhr, Sitzungszimmer

How science and technology studies contribute to cultural and social anthropology. Insights from

the case...


A new Horizon 2020 project has been granted to a large European consortium for researching into “Permafrost thaw and the changing Arctic coast”....


In einem Videobeitrag erzählen Teilnehmer von Erasmus über ihre Erfahrungen. Beatrix Hiesmayr hat als Lehrende am Kings College verbracht:...

28.06.2017 17:00

A light introduction to the Law of large numbers

Dalia Terhesiu (College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Univ. of Exeter)

28.06.2017 17:00

A light introduction to the Law of large numbers

Dalia Terhesiu (College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Univ. of Exeter)