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Imagine – European Constitutional Imaginaries: Utopias, Ideologies and the Other

Bericht über den Vortrag von Prof. Jan Komárek


How does a medication make its way into a cell? It uses the cell’s own transport mechanisms. These often poorly studied transporter proteins are the...


Andreas Tacke (Universität Trier)

Vortragsreihe der Kunsthistorischen Gesellschaft

16.01.2019 18:00

Contemporary Forms of Recording and Archiving Music in the North Caucasus


Vier Frauen wurden heuer umgebracht. ErpertInnen wurden zum Thema befragt. L. Wiesböck im Kurier, 16.01.2019


Call for Abstracts: Anthology Feminist Philosophy of Technology

Dr. Janina Loh and Univ. Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh have announced a call for Feminist Technology of Philosophy abstracts. Deadline for submission:...