[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


The Department of East Asian Studies' yearly event, 'Oastasientag' is around the corner! Save the date for 12 March, 2021, from 10:15 to 11:15, to...


Featured in article "Wenn wir interagieren, schwingen unsere Gehirne im Gleichtakt" on shared representations

Im täglichen Miteinander müssen Menschen sich immer wieder aufeinander einstellen. Dabei entstehen mitunter die gleichen Hirnaktivitäten. Was das zu...


For the fifth time, the European Law Institute seeks to uncap the innovative power and creativity of young lawyers by providing them the opportunity...


Upcoming events of EcoS' lecturers

We would like to share with you the invitation to two upcoming events that include the participation of our lecturer, Dr. Alfred Gerstl, which will...


25.-26. Februar 2021