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07.03.2017 16:15

Time dependent perturbation theory in matrix mechanics and time averaging

Fernando Casas (U. Jaume I Castellón), Working group "Efficient numerical methods for quantum systems"


Chemical compound bioactivity and related data are nowadays easily available from open data sources and the open medicinal chemistry literature for...

07.03.2017 15:15

The configuration space of a robotic arm in a tunnel

Cesar Ceballos (Univ. Wien), AG Diskrete Mathematik

07.03.2017 15:15

The configuration space of a robotic arm in a tunnel

Cesar Ceballos (Univ. Wien), AG Diskrete Mathematik

07.03.2017 15:00

Difference algebraic groups

Michael Wibmer (Univ. of Pennsylvania) Geometry and Analysis on Groups Research SE

07.03.2017 15:00

Difference algebraic groups

Michael Wibmer (Univ. of Pennsylvania) Geometry and Analysis on Groups Research SE