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10.01.2017 15:15

Holey matrimony-marrying two approaches to a tiling problem

Tomack Gilmore (Univ. Wien), AG Diskrete Mathematik

10.01.2017 15:15

Holey matrimony-marrying two approaches to a tiling problem

Tomack Gilmore (Univ. Wien), AG Diskrete Mathematik


The Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economics has granted a federal project to establish software and database infrastructure for life...

10.01.2017 15:00

Dynamics of the Lotka reaction with generalized mass action kinetics

Balázs Boros (RICAM), SE AG Biomathematik


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10.01.2017 15:00

Dynamics of the Lotka reaction with generalized mass action kinetics

Balázs Boros (RICAM), SE AG Biomathematik