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10. Woche der Soziologischen Nachwuchsforschung

23.-25. Mai 2018

Institut für Soziologie Universität Wien


10. Woche der Soziologischen Nachwuchsforschung

23.-25. Mai 2018

Institut für Soziologie Universität Wien

07.05.2018 15:00

Mysterious Holes in the Sky & A Theory for the Motion of Cluod Edges

David Muraki (Simon Fraser Univ. Brithis Columbia, Canada)


Call for Papers: Marie Jahoda Winter School

The Social Practices of Age and Ageing

Application deadline: June 30 2018


Call for Papers: Marie Jahoda Winter School

The Social Practices of Age and Ageing

Application deadline: June 30 2018


European Graduate School for the Social Sciences CfP: 17th International Doctoral Seminar in Social Sciences

4th – 7th October 2018, Telč (CZ)

Application deadline: June 3 2018