[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

07.01.2020 13:00

On the relation between the canonical Hamilton‐Jacobi equation and the De Donder‐Weyl Hamilton‐Jacobi formulation in general relativity

Natascha Riahi (Wien)


On 7 January 2020, ELI’s President Christiane Wendehorst and Secretary General Vanessa Wilcox met Head of Unit for EU and Fundamental Issues at the...


Astronomers of the University of Vienna and Harvard University have discovered a monolithic, wave-shaped gaseous structure – the largest ever seen in...


We are proud to announce that ELI was awarded an EU Operating Grant for 2020 under a four-year Framework Partnership Agreement from 2018–2021.


Alexandra Jansky zum Abschluss des Doktorats zum Thema "Die Rolle von Schülervorstellungen zu Wahrscheinlichkeit und Zufall im naturwissenschaftlichen...


7. Jänner 2020

11:30 Uhr, Johanneskapelle im Schottenstift, Freyung, 1010 Wien