[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


We want to introduce Karin Grillberger. She also just recently started working with us on the EU-Tox-Risk project. Welcome to the #pharminfo Group.


Job Announcement Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant, 14h/week, 01.03.2020-28.02.2022

Teaching Assistant, 10h/week, 01.03.2020-30.06.2020

Tutor, 6h/week, 01.03.2020-31.08.2020


Anna Bellavitis and Beatrice Zucca Micheletto (eds.): Gender, Law and Economic Well-Being in Europe from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century....


The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) published a special feature about Michael Wagner entitled "Exploring the miracle of life". Michael was awarded in 2019...


The research group of Massimiliano Procura develops theoretical methods to maximize the discovery potential of both high-energy and high-intensity...


Mit einer halben Tonne Equipment im Gepäck vermisst Physikerin Bernadett Weinzierl von der Universität Wien auf einem Forschungsflugzeug der Nasa...