[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

12.10.2004 15:00

Extending Baire measures to Borel measures in normal spaces below the first real-valued measurable using pcf theory, Part 2

M. Kojman (Ben Gurion U, Negev, IL)


Bader-Zaar, Birgitta (2004): Grundrechte in der historischen Immigrationsforschung.

Bader-Zaar, Birgitta (2004): Grundrechte in der historischen Immigrationsforschung. Das Beispiel chinesischer und japanischer Einwanderer in den...

05.10.2004 15:00

Extending Baire measures to Borel measures in normal spaces below the first real-valued measurable using pcf theory

M. Kojman (Ben Gurion U, Negev, IL)


Jakob Kellner successfully defends his PhD thesis.


Autor: Marianne Schlosser

ISBN 978-37867-8532-3

Matthias Grünewald-Verlag 2014


Development of an Intelligent Cognitive System for Sanskrit Based on Indian Logic (Teilprojekt)

Leitung: Gerd Unruh (Fachhochschule Furtwangen)

EU–India Economic Cross Cultural Programme