[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Vortrag von Prof. Dina Porat, Department of Jewish History an der Tel Aviv Universität und Yad Vashem


PREISVERLEIHUNG Hauptpreis des Michael Mitterauer Preises: Dr. Lars Fredrik Stöcker

08.10.2018 17:00

CoQuS-Talk by Aephraim Steinberg; University of Toronto

on "Counting photons as they fly and timing atoms as they tunnel"


CCL Team Event

08.10.2018 16:45

On phenomenon of Immobility in study of convex Optimization problems (joint work with Olga Kostyukova (National Academy of Sciences, Belarus))


On Monday,8 October 2018, Aephraim Steinberg (Dept of Physics and Centre for Quantum Information & Quantum Control, University of Toronto) will speak...