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Wieland Müller has been appointed for a second 4-year term as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Institute for Economic Research...


Jimmy Wu, USA: Total Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Several Nuphar Alkaloids and their Derivatives

When: Wednesday, 10.04.2019, 16:15

Where: Lecture hall 3, Boltzmanngasse 1, 1090 Vienna

10.04.2019 16:15

Some necessary uses of set theory in mathematics

Ilijas Farah (York University, Canada)

10.04.2019 15:45

Finite element methods for surface PDEs - The Stokes equations on manifolds

Philip L. Lederer

10.04.2019 15:15

Iterative solution and preconditioning for the tangent plane scheme in computational micromagnetics

Carl-Martin Pfeiler (Vienna University of Technology)

10.04.2019 15:00

The Importance of Being Totally Disconnected

Giancarlo Castellano (Univ. Wien)