[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

10.04.2019 15:00

The Importance of Being Totally Disconnected

Giancarlo Castellano (Univ. Wien)


COLOQUIO con Rocío Martínez

¿Cómo leer una pintura cortesana del siglo XVII? Retratos familiares del Rey hechizado


We have a new article on "Silicon microcavity arrays with open access and a finesse of half a million" in Light: Science & Applications!

10.04.2019 14:15

Analysis for the discrete approximation of gradient-regularized damage models Abstract

Marita Thomas (WIAS Berlin)

10.04.2019 14:00

Algebraic study of Fuchsian equations

C. Novarini (Univ. Wien)


2019-04-10, 13:00-17:00