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Business and Human Rights Project Team Meeting

Members of the ELI-FRA joint Project on Business and Human Rights: Access to Justice and Effective Remedies will convene for their first Project Team...


Emanuele Locatelli (Computational Physics Group) has been awarded the Erwin-Schrödinger-Gesellschaft Nano-Prize 2018 for his work on DNA Nanostars.

15.06.2018 10:30

Large-Scale Data Analysis on Roundwood Surface Data - Recognising Bark and Wood

Andreas Weidenhiller (Univ. Wien)

15.06.2018 10:00

Variational methods for stochastic PDEs

Pietro Vermicelli (Univ. Wien)


Vladislav Chrastný joined the grout for half a year!


15. Juni 2018

09:45 Uhr, Seminarraum 7, Tiefparterre Hauptgebäude, Stiege 9, Hof 5, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien