[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Mag. Dr. Katharina Wiedlack

"Homoacceptance versus Homophobie", Interview mit der Amerikanistin im uni:view-Magazin zu ihrem Hertha Firnberg Projekt.


Der Radiosender Ö1 wollte wissen, was sich hinter dem Begriff der Law Clinic verbirgt. Im Ö1 Morgenjournal haben wir einige Fragen beantwortet.


Austrian newspaper Die Presse presents work of our biochemist Filipa Sousa, who "came to Austria to explore tiny microorganisms: archaea are useful...


Read here about the Initiative and also find full interviews with receivers of the "Back-to-Research" Grant for women and the Women in Biology...


This one-day workshop focuses on honing the skills and mastering the techniques to visualize experimental set-ups and facilities and research results...


Vienna Dialogues Continued: Mobility in Byzantium and Beyond