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29.06.2018 16:00

This talk will not be rescheduled as announced previsously

Christopher Menzel (Texas A&M Univ. USA)


The study "The Price of Prejudice" (AEJ:Applied) by Jean-Robert Tyran and Morten Størling Hedegaard's was covered in a report by the American Economic...


Can firms alter online complainants' failure attributions with complaint handling on social media? CCom provides some answers at the AMS World...

29.06.2018 15:15

Elisabeth Schömbucher-Kusterer | Lehrstuhl für Indologie, Universität Würzburg

29.06.2018 15:00

Global analysis for linear and nonlinear waves and the stability of Kerr-de Sitter space

Andras Vasy (Univ. Standford)

29.06.2018 15:00

Freitag, 29. Juni 2018 15:00

Ort: Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Boltzmanngasse 9, Schrödinger Lecture Hall 2. Stock