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21.11.2018, 17:00 Uhr, HS-C

Affective Efforts of Research Data Management

Elisabeth Huber

01.11.2018 02:30

Reweighing Antiquity

Date: 2. November 2018

Material Practices of Precision between Science and Humanities. Panel at the Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society...

01.11.2018 02:30

Reweighing Antiquity

Date: 2. November 2018

Material Practices of Precision between Science and Humanities. Panel at the Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society...


The Three Wheels of Dharma: The case of 'Jig-rten mgon-po and the Single Intentionists as a contribution to Tibetan Buddhist Hermeneutics

Katrin Querl


Sophie Lecheler is invited to speak about the role of emotions in politics and the media for the Catholic Academy on November 5th


Deadline: 31 Oct 2018

For female postdocs who had to reduce/interrupt their research activities due to care obligations (20.000 Euro).