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Prüfungen im Sommersemester 2020

Bitte um Ihre studentische Mithilfe: Wir erheben für welche Prüfungen Sie antreten möchten um digitale Prüfungsalternativen zu erstellen.


Behavioural evidence of colour vision in free flying stingless bees.

Spaethe J., M. Streinzer, J. Eckert, S. May & A. G. Dyer. 2014. Behavioural evidence of colour vision in free flying stingless bees. J Comp Physiol A...


Impact of oil palm agriculture on understory amphibians and reptiles: A Mesoamerican perspective.

Gallmetzer N. & C.H. Schulze. 2015. Impact of oil palm agriculture on understory amphibians and reptiles: A Mesoamerican perspective. Global Ecology...


New insights into mechanisms driving carbon allocation in tropical forests

Hofhansl F., Schnecker J., Singer G. & W. Wanek. 2015. New insights into mechanisms driving carbon allocation in tropical forests. New Phytologist....


Landscape-Scale Controls on Aboveground Forest Carbon Stocks on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica.

Taylor P., Asner G., Dahlin K., Anderson C., Knapp D., Martin R., Mascaro J., Chazdon R., Cole R., Wanek W., Hofhansl F., Malavassi E.,...


Dispersal ability of male orchid bees and direct evidence for long-range flights.

Pokorny T., Loose D., Dyker G., UEZADA-EUÁN J. & T. Eltz. (2015b). Dispersal ability of male orchid bees and direct evidence for long-range flights....