[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Temperaturrekord in Österreich

Erstmals seit Beginn der Temperaturmessungen in Österreich wurde die 40 Grad Marke überschritten.


Open Postdoc and PhD student positions in Microbial Experimental Evolution

Two positions are available in the group of Matthias Horn within the ERC StG Project EVOCHLAMY. The project comprises aspects of evolutionary biology,...


New Paper in PLoS Pathogens

Chlamydial elementary bodies have mostly been thought of as dormant, spore-like particles. However, Barbara Sixt, Alexander Siegl, Matthias Horn and...


One of the many counterintuitive and bizarre insights of quantum mechanics is that even in a vacuum - what many of us think of as an empty void - all...


Dokumentation des X. Internationalen Kongresses für Interkulturelle Philosophie

Hg: Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, Franz Gmainer-Pranzl, Hans Schelkshorn ...


Hg.: Hubert Philipp Weber, Rudolf Langthaler

Wien: Vienna University Press 2013 (August)