[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

30.07.2018 12:00

Das Österreichischen Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (bmbwf) fördert von Ende 2017 bis Ende 2019 die Forschungsgruppe...


Before his talk at our kickoff event David Donoho was interviewed by "Der Standard" about Data Science and the impact of changes in our communication...


Before his talk at our kickoff event David Donoho was interviewed by "Der Standard" about Data Science and the impact of changes in our communication...

30.07.2018 09:30

11th Plasma Kinetics Working Meeting


30.07.2018 09:30

Introduction to Kinetic Theory: The Boltzmann Equation

ESI Senior Research Fellow Lecture Course


Die Politikwissenschafterin erhält einen mit rund 1,5 Millionen Euro dotierten ERC Starting Grant für das Projekt "The Politics of Marine Biodiversity...