[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


HELD conference: Korea and East Asia in a Changing Regional and Global Environment, 28-29 April 2011

This was already the third event in the new international conference series on "Korea and East Asia".


New paper in PNAS

Tourna M, Stieglmeier M, Spang A, Koenneke M, Schintlmeister A, Urich T, Engel M, Schloter M, Wagner M, Richter R, Schleper C. Nitrososphaera...


SPECIAL lecture

On May 5th, 2011 Prof. Dr. Han S. Park held a special lecture on North Korea's Policy Shift and its Foreign Policy Orientations.


SPECIAL Lectures

On Monday, May 2nd 2011 Isabelle Milbert held a special lecture on International Relations in East Asia: The Indian diaspora in East Asia as spearhead...


Interesse an der Geodynamik des Meers von Alboran

15.04.2011 15:00

Cognition and Creation in the Ṛgveda

Joanna Jurewicz | Faculty of Oriental Studies, Warsaw University