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New paper in Nature Ecology and Evolution for Ulrich Technau and Julia Steger as Co-Authors


New paper in Nature Ecology and Evolution for Ulrich Technau and Julia Steger as Co-Authors

13.03.2019 15:15

Homogenization of discrete optimal transport and beyond

Lorenzo Portinale (IST Austria)


Project Team Meeting of the ELI Project on Access to Digital Assets in Paris (France)

The team members of the ELI Project on Access to Digital Assets held another meeting on 13 March 2019 at the Secretariat of the International Union of...

13.03.2019 15:00

Talk on "Design and operation of a Penning ion trap for quantum simulation "

by Christian Marciniak; University of Sydney, AUS


Ab sofort werden Einreichungen für die Open-Access-Tage 2019 entgegengenommen.