[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

21.04.2016 18:15

The Impact of the Neo-Tantric Movement on the Choreographic Traditions in Europe and India (1960s to 2000s)

Tiziana Leucci | Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud , CNRS

21.04.2016 17:00

Talk | Leonida Fusani

"Why are the elaborate displays of birds so attractive?"


Die Arbeitsgruppe Dynamik Kondensierter Systeme gratuliert Markus Stana und Teresa Schmalnauer sehr herzlich zur Geburt ihres Sohnes Leopold Xaver am...


Summer School des IMPALA.net Projekts vom 16.-20. Mai 2016 in Jyväskylä

21.04.2016 15:00

Selected topics for the weak topology of Banach spaces

J. Kąkol (Adam Mickiewicz U Poznań, PL)


Under the direction of Christian Rentenberger the local, atomic-level elastic strain of amorphous materials was measured by electron scattering for...