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The EcoS team is presenting the procedure of the final master exam at the end of your studies at the Chair of East Asian Economy and Society. Next to...


Prof. Frank offers his take on the New Year speech held by North Korea leader Kim Jong-un, identifying a number of noteworthy points in comparison to...


Deny Hamel is starting as a new PostDoc. Welcome Deny!


Entwicklung zur Demokratie in Österreich. Verfassung, Kampf um Gleichstellung und Demokratiedebatten in der Habsburgermonarchie (1867-1918)

Hanno Rebhan


Rosa Jochmann – Eine biografische (Re-)Konstruktion aus geschlechtergeschichtlicher Perspektive

Projektmitarbeiterin: Mag.a Veronika Duma

Projektleitung: Frau Univ.-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Gabriella Hauch

Projektträger: Jubiläumsfond der...

30.12.2013 15:00

Siddhas and Sociality: A Seventeenth-Century Lay Illustrated Buddhist Manuscript in Kumik Village and Related Finds in Zangskar

Robert Linrothe | Northwestern University, Illinois