[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

26.03.2019 09:50

Low-rank tensor structure for the data-driven adaptive solution of PDEs: analysis and algorithms

Vladimir Kazeev (Stanford University) ...


Herwig RANNER: Discussion on the EU policy on environmental issues


26.03.2019 09:00

Data Management und Data Archiving an der Universität Wien

Seminar zu Forschungsdatenmanagement und digitaler Langzeitarchivierung an der Universität Wien.

26.03.2019 09:00

From Gaussian elimination to the adaptive low-rank approximation of quantities of interest in PDE models

Vladimir Kazeev (Stanford University) ...


27.03.2019, 17:00 Uhr, HS-A

Blow Up. A Critical Approach to Ethnographic Exposures

Didier Fassin


Dalibor Čepulo is Professor of legal history at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb where he teaches Croatian legal history in the European...