[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

14.03.2019 14:00

A nonrelativistic limit of AdS perturbations

Piotr Bizon (Kraków)



Vorträge i.R.d. Tenure Track-Professur Physikalische Chemie

Wann: Do, 14.3.2019, 13:30, 15:30, 17:15

Wo: Seminarraum 2 der Fakultät für Chemie


Christian Tauber defended his thesis entitled "On the charge, temperature and humidity dependence of heterogeneous nucleation of n-butanol vapor for...


GHG-2 EC Station DMP, The system is equipped with a three-axis ultrasonic anemometer (WindMaster Pro, Gill Instruments), an enclosed CO2/H2O analyser...


OTT MF Pro, Electromagnetic Flow Sensor device, for very low flow velocities from 0.00m/s up to 6.0m/s


Draft Model Rules on Online Intermediary Platforms Project Team Meeting in Brussels (Belgium)

The Project Team of the ELI Project on ‘Draft Model Rules on Online Intermediary Platforms’ held a meeting on 14–15 March 2019 in Brussels at the...