[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

31.03.2017 15:30

On Friday, 31.03.2017 from 3:30pm - 9:00pm the Department of Education at the University of Vienna (Austria) will be holding an event to discuss and...

31.03.2017 15:30

On Friday, 31.03.2017 from 3:30pm - 9:00pm the Department of Education at the University of Vienna (Austria) will be holding an event to discuss and...


Stefan Trautmann (University of Heidelberg + University of Tilburg) talks about "Implementing Fair Procedures?" on March 31 at 10am.


Ayala Arad (Tel Aviv University) talks about "Multi-Dimensional Reasoning in Resource Allocation Games: Evidence from Intra-Team Communication" on...

31.03.2017 15:15

Quantitative Methoden zur Stratifizierung und Datierung von Sanskrit-Texten

Oliver Hellwig | Sonderforschungsbereich 991, Universität Düsseldorf / Abteilung Computerlinguistik, Universität Saarbrücken



Kommentar zur heiligen Messe „De mysterio missae“ und ausgewählte Passagen aus „De corpore Domini“ (Christliche Meister 64)

Eingeleitet von Ruth...