[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Entwicklung und Validierung sportartspezifischer Diagnostik

10.12.2010 15:00

Intellectual Exchanges Across Language Boundaries in the Grammatical Traditions of South India

Vincenzo Vergiani | Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge

09.12.2010 15:00

Solution to the pinned conjecture

J. Zapletal (U of Florida, Gainesville, US and Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ)


Kim Jong Un on Painting?

Prof. Rüdiger Frank discusses what to make of a recent leaked photo of what have deemed the first North Korean painting depicting Kim Jong Un.


Eine Arbeit unter den "Top-50 most cited articles"

Die Arbeit "Wüstefeld, A., Bokelmann, G., Barruol, G., Zaroli, C., 2008, Splitlab: a shear-wave splitting environment in Matlab" , Computers &...
