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Pablo M. Arnal, Argentina: Simple synthesis of biochar for decontamination of water

When: Friday, 28.09.2018, 15:15

Where: Seminar room 2, Währinger Strasse 42, 1090 Vienna


16.10.2018, 16:00 Uhr, Sitzungszimmer

Uncanny politics of anti-refugee sentiments: a dispute over Yemeni refugees in South Korea

Seo Yeon Park

28.09.2018 13:30

Talk on "Quantum control of surface acoustic wave phonons"

by Andrew N. Cleland; University of Chicago



zum Thema: Aquinas and Olivi on Job. A Franciscan-Dominican dispute on suffering, perfection and exegesis.

28.-29. September 2018


28.09.2018 12:00

A generators and relations derivation of Khovanov homology of 2-strand braid links

Omid Hurson