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Mass Communication and Society will publish a special issue on Refugees, Media, and Public Opinion: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. The...


CogBio at FWF "Be-Open Festival" 08.-12.September 2018

The Department of Cognitive Biology Vienna is proud to be participating in the Be Open Festival of the FWF as part of their 50 Years FWF festivities.


2018-09-08 to 2018-09-12

On 8 September 2018 the “BE OPEN – Science & Society Festival” will start at Maria-Theresien-Platz in Vienna. Look forward...


Wolfgang Gladrow – Elizaveta Kotorova

[Band 9]


Meeting at the 2018 ELI Annual Conference in Riga

The meeting took place on 7 September 2018.


Meeting During the 2018 ELI Annual Conference in Riga

The ELI Global Private Law SIG met on the occasion of the ELI Annual Conference in Riga on 7 September 2018.