[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

24.03.2017 15:15

Sanskrit avadyá- 'vice' and its Incarnations in Middle Indic

Adam Catt | Department of Linguistics, Kyoto University

24.03.2017 08:00

Regularization and Imaging Methods for Solving Inverse Problems with Solutions on Surfaces

Dong Guozhi (Univ. Wien), öffentliche Defensio

24.03.2017 08:00

Regularization and Imaging Methods for Solving Inverse Problems with Solutions on Surfaces

Dong Guozhi (Univ. Wien), öffentliche Defensio


Our Experimental verification of an indefinite causal order was published in Science Advances.


Distinguished lecture series is organized by Jean-Robert Tyran

23.03.2017 18:00