[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


The Department of East Asian Studies is proud to announce that there will be two guest professors from Taiwan teaching at our Department.

10.01.2013 15:00

Large Cardinals and Lightface Definable Wellorders without GCH

P. Holy (Bristol U, UK)


Gottes Zusage an die Welt.


Roman Kühschelm


Lecture on popular sovereignty in Thailand

The Institute of International Development holds a lecture on popular souvereignty in Thailand.


Simon Gröblacher's PhD Thesis "Quantum opto-mechanics with micromirrors" has been published in the Springer Thesis Series.


Zweite Förderperiode der Österreichischen Nationalen Wahlstudie startet im Jänner 2013.

Die zweite Förderperiode (2013-2015) der Österreichischen Nationalen Wahlstudie AUTNES (Austrian National Election Study) startete im Jänner 2013....