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Die wissenschaftlichen Interessensgemeinschaft IT-LAW.AT, die von Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Universitätslehrgangs "Informations- und...


Like in the last six years, Michael has been recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher 2020 in the field of Microbiology. This year 37 researchers with...


e have used synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy (structure of Fe–S clusters), transmission electron microscopy (solid-phase...


Many mineral P fertilizers contain toxic uranium (U) in high concentrations. When the fertilizers are applied to agricultural sites, U can either...


Low bioavailability of iron due to poor solubility of iron(hydr)oxides limits the growth of microorganisms and plants in soils and aquatic...


Due to the low iron solubility in alkaline soils, plants have evolved different iron acquisition strategies, which are either based on ferric iron...