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24.01.2019 15:30

Studentisches Symposium


Ecological effects of alien species can be dramatic, but management and prevention of negative impacts are often hindered by crypticity of the species...


Goncalo Bernardes, UK: Chemical Physiology of Antibody Conjugates and Natural Products

When: Thu, 24.1.2019, 15:00

Where: Seminar room 2, Faculty of Chemistry, Währinger Strasse 42, 1090 Vienna

24.01.2019 15:00

Complexity of the homeomorphism relation between compact spaces

B. Vejnar (Charles U, Prague, CZ)

24.01.2019 14:26

Laura Wiesböck und die Sorority diskutieren über ihre kürzlich erschienenen Bücher. Wien, 24.01.2019, 18:00 Uhr


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