[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Inklusion - eine Frage der Haltung?

25.03.2021 15:00

Splitting Localization and prediction numbers

I. Ongay-Valverde (York U, Toronto, CA)

25.03.2021 15:00

Online APSE-IVC Talks: Jaroslav Peregrin (Academy of Sciences and Charles University, Prague) | Carnap, Syntax & Inferentialism


The Institute Vienna Circle and the Unit for Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistemology are jointly organising a series of talks...


A start-up, co-founded by a graduate of the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics, was listed as a "spin-off to watch" by Forbes Magazine.


Das Institut für Finanzrecht und die Abteilung Steuerrecht, Institut für Recht der Wirtschaft, laden in Kooperation mit dem Universitätslehrgang...


New paper in Nature, Ecology & Evolution

Sex differences in the pelvis did not evolve de novo in modern humans.