[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten

12.06.2015 15:15

The current state of research on the authorship of the Pātañjalayogaśāstravivaraṇa

Kengo Harimoto | Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand


Christina Tavolato-Wötzl verteidigt ihre Dissertation "On Bias Correction and Quality Control for Atmospheric in situ Observations"

11.06.2015 15:00

Strong treeability of planar groups

C. Conley (Cornell U, New York, US)


Law, Literature and History: Jewish Law in the Middle Ages

Vortrag Lawrence H. Schiffman (Judge Abraham Lieberman Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York University)

11.6.2015 15.30-17.00



Sitzung der Institutsvertretung

Mittwoch, 10.06.2015, 13-15 Uhr, Besprechungsraum 4. Stock


10th-11th June 2015

Venue: Institut für Judaistik, Universität Wien - Hörsaal 1