[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


EcoS and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Austria cordially invite all students and the interested public to a talk by H.E. Ambassador SONG...


Invited by Alfred Gerstl and Josef Falko Loher, about 40 Students of various backgrounds, both Bachelor and Master students, left the ordinary class...


Entwicklung und Pilot-Testung eines Unterstützungsangebots für Familien mit pflegenden Kindern (NoSecrecy)

Laufzeit: April 2015 bis April 2017


Ben Miller joins the KGRC as a tenure-track professor.


The Annual Report 2014 of the VCEE is now available

The Annual Report 2014 of the VCEE is now available.

27.03.2015 17:15

Die Taraṅgalolā: Ein alter jainistischer Roman

Thomas Oberlies | Seminar für Indologie und Tibetologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen