[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Members of the Faculty of Chemistry and the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science teamed up for a novel transdisciplinary research unit....


Wer lehrt, hat auch einmal studiert

Interview mit Univ.-Prof. Dr. Regina Hitzenberger

Uni View Magazin



Kurzfristige Ausbildung einer Temperaturinversion aufgrund der partiellen Abschattung der Sonne.

23.03.2015 16:45

Project evaluation and Real Option Analysis: A Hedged Monte Carlo Approach

20.03.2015 15:15

Buddhist Networks of Circulation in the Eighteenth- to the Early Twentieth-Century Burma

Alexey Kirichenko | Institute of Asian and Africal Studies, Moscow State Unversity



Kleinschmidt S. Growth performance of native tree species planted on abandoned pastures in humid tropical lowland of Costa Rica, Central America....