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10.12.2014 Defensio: Mag. Severin MATIASOVITS

315. Defensio einer Dissertation aus der Studienrichtung Geschichte. Es spricht Mag. Severin MATIASOVITS über:


Extended Interview with Prof. Frank on 3sat

Prof. Frank has given an extended interview to the TV channel 3sat, which has been published in three parts.


The SABE (Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics) newsletter is available now.

The SABE (Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics) newsletter is available now.


Dagmar Woebken has received an ERC Starting Grant for her project "Revealing the function of dormant soil microorganisms and the cues for their...


Radio interview with Prof. Frank

Here is the most recent interview of Prof. Frank on North Korea, from the radio program "Fragen an den Autor" on Radio SR"