[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Treiblmayr, Christopher

Treiblmayr, Christopher (2012): Zivilgesellschaft. In: Friedrich Jaeger (Hg.): Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, Bd. 15. Stuttgart/Weimar, Spalten 505–511.

07.11.2012 18:00

"Cognition Without Cortex: The Convergent Evolution of Avian and Mammalian Forebrains"


New paper in Nature

Milucka J, Ferdelman TG, Polerecky L, Franzke D, Wegener G, Schmid M, Lieberwirth I, Wagner M, Widdel F and Kuypers MMM. 2012. Zero-valent sulphur is...


New WWTF project

Alex Loy and David Berry received funding for a new project from the Vienna Science and Technology Fund: Nutrition and the intestinal microbiota-host...


Die Göttin Durgā Mahiṣāsuramardinī am Beispiel des Tempels von Bajaura

Iris Binder