[Translate to Deutsch:] Nachrichten


Vortrag von Univ.-Ass. Dr. Regina Willi

Zeit: Mittwoch, 21. November 2018, 19:00 Uhr

Ort: Haus der Begegnung, Kalvarienbergplatz 11, 7000...


Am 23. November gibt AUSSDA einen Datenmanagement-Workshop an der Universität Graz. Forschende, Lehrende und Studierende erhalten so einen Überblick,...


Temperature-responsive flexibility in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) appeals to the imagination. The ability to transform upon thermal stimuli while...


Temperature-responsive flexibility in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) appeals to the imagination. The ability to transform upon thermal stimuli while...


Air Pollution, Aerosols and Climate - past findings, present warnings and future musts

21.11.2018 01:55

Translation in Medicine

Date: 21. November 2018

Conference: Translation in Medicine. How to Deal with Incompatible Information and Multiple Meanings? Cornelius Borck...