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The Hungarian Hub held a Conference on Hungarian cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on 7 June 2019 at ELTE University,...

07.06.2019 10:50

Big data in biomathematics

Steffen Waldherr (KU Leuven (NL))



Flexible Arbeitszeiten, Homeoffice, E-Mails nach Feierabend, Skype-Meetings im Urlaub

07.06.2019 10:10

Big data in biomathematics

Ana Smith (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (DE))


07.06.2019 09:40

Why do galaxies stop making stars?

Robert Feldmann (University of Zurich)


2019-06-07, 09:30-16:30

for ERC Advanced Grant