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29.05.2018 17:00

African Revolution, Black Power Movement, and Neo-Colonial Imperialism (Beyond the Academic Myths of Post-Coloniality)

Vortrag von Greg Thomas (Tufts...


On 29 May 2018 the second joint VDS Mathematics and Physics "Science meets" event took place in the Schrödinger Lecture Hall at the ESI,...

29.05.2018 17:00

The Complete Fanon: African Revolution, Black Power Movement, and Neo-Colonial Imperialism (Beyond the Academic Myths of Post-Coloniality)

Lecture by Greg Thomas (Tufts University, USA)

29.05.2018 16:30

Science Meets Medicine

Manfred Bammer, MAS, Bianca Gerendas

29.05.2018 16:30

A continuous model for biological network formation

Giulia Pilli (Univ. Wien)

29.05.2018 16:15

Vector Boson Scattering

Dieter Zeppenfeld (Karlsruhe Inst. of Technology KIT)